Important Information

We take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy is provided to inform you of the collection of personal information by this website. We may occasionally modify this policy, and we suggest that you check back on a regular basis to stay knowledgeable about any changes.

Your access to and use of the website signifies your understanding and acceptance of all terms stated in this policy. Please read it carefully.

This website is not intended for those under the age of majority, and we do not knowingly collect information from such persons.

We implement appropriate security measures to protect your personal information against unauthorized use or disclosure and against accidental loss or damage.

This policy applies to desktop and mobile versions of the website, to any applications authored by us for accessing the website content, and to all correspondence with the website.

We sometimes place links on our website to third party websites or services. We have no control over the privacy policies of these websites or services, and you should read the policies of any site or service you access via links on our website.

Any question or concerns about this policy may be sent to us by way of our contact form.

Information we collect about you

In order to provide the website, we collect information about registered and non-registered users of the website. This information includes the following:

A. Members - When you register for membership to the website, you voluntarily provide us with a username, password and email address. You also may voluntarily provide information to us in your emails or feedback. When you interact with the website, we gather information about your interests and preferences, and we also gather technical and usage information as described below (see 'Browsers' below).

B. Browsers - If you visit or browse our site, we collect information about the computer or device you are using, your IP address, operating system and browser type, as well as information about your site activities, such as which pages you visit and how long you stay.

Collection of information

The following describes the ways in which we collect your data:

Passive Collection - We collect information when you visit our website, which may include your IP address, browser type, language, geographic location and time zone, among other such technical details.

Active Collection - You may directly give us your personal information when you create an account, post materials on the website, or communicate with us for any purpose.

Our use of personal information

The following are the main purposes for our collection and use of your data:

- To provide the website and enable its interactive elements

- To display relevant advertising and content tailored to your interests

- To perform research and analysis for the purpose of website improvement

- For technical diagnostics purposes to ensure the website's proper functioning

- To allow communication with you and for the provision of customer support

- To ensure compliance with our terms of service and fulfill any legal obligations

How we share your information

It is not our policy to share the personal data of users, except to the following parties in the following circumstances:

- Service providers that perform certain services on our behalf (e.g. customer service, marketing, analytics, security, hosting or website functionality), and only for the fulfillment of their services

- Legal successors in the case of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, sale, or transfer of assets for any reason

- Law enforcement, government agencies and other such authorities, in order to comply with applicable law and to protect the company's rights and the rights of website users and other parties

Rights of users

You can contact us in regard to the exercising of your rights concerning personal information. These rights include access, correction, restriction, and deletion. Furthermore, you have the right to request a copy or transfer of your information, object to the processing of it, or withdraw your consent for its use.

International Transfers

By submitting your personal data or engaging with our website, you consent to the transfer, storing, and processing or your information outside of your own country, including outside of the European Economic Area.
